Meeting With Glace

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Thirteen: Part Twenty-Four



The two ladies wrapped their arms around each other, giving off precious smiles.

"How was your vacation, dear?"

"It. Was. Incredible. I really let loose on that trip, and I still feel pumped up!" She exclaimed, feeling her hairs stand up from an abundance of energy.

"How interesting, any plans for today?"

"Well, I have a fight scheduled with Glace, so I can get her gem. Just to be safe, I wanted to bring my favorite balding butler along for the ride. So can we borrow him for the day?"

"Absolutely!" She called for the loyal butler, who spent no time in keeping the queen waiting.

"You called, Your Majesty?"

Marissa filled him in on Fayemi's desires. He pondered the decision, seeing as he and Fayemi had an unusual relationship. Her playfulness and overconfidence resembled a child in his eyes. However, Fayemi could afford to be overconfident due to her strength.

"Come on Alfie, help us with your awesome ghost powers!" Fayemi cheered, hoping she could convince him to join.

Ultimately, he saw it as an educational opportunity for Tysashi to learn about Mirror-Types, thus he joined them.

"Perfect, let's go Alfie, let's use the mirror in Aradressa's room."

Before Tysashi could join them, Marissa halted him with a bit of advice.

"Tysashi, be cautious while battling Glace. Though Mirror-Types are easy to underestimate, their range of abilities are surely nothing to scoff at. Alfred's elemental type is a perfect counter to many of her abilities. But above all else, don't get pulled into the Mirror World. The Mirror World is an alternative world that exists on a separate plane of existence. In there, her power knows no bounds. Alfred should be able to free both you and Fayemi, but that shouldn't be necessary if you deal with her quickly. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand. Though, I have a question. Why do we need to use the mirror in Aradressa's room?"

"Those who wish to challenge Glace must say a certain phrase to any mirror they can find, and then it'll be connected to her domain. Both Fayemi and Alfred have that covered, but if you'd like to know it, don't be shy." She answered with a calming tone.

With the information digested, Tysashi followed behind the rest of the group as Marissa wished him a safe fight.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

"Witness the magic." Fayemi prepared her vocal cords and began to speak the necessary line.

"niamod ruoy ot tcennoc ot rorrim siht wolla esaelp ,ecalG hO"

After the statement was spoken, the glass started to ripple, signifying Glace approved the connection.

"Alright boys, in the mirror we go!" Fayemi quickly sent herself through the mirror, as did the others.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Stepping out of the mirror, a new area was presented. A circular platform laid in a dark blue area with mirrors floating around freely. An area so silent even a single breath echoed. Before anyone could speak, Glace made herself visible after emerging from a mirror. Her lengthy white hair possessed a beautiful glow, just as her pale skin did. A mix of blue and white decorated her dress, fitting with her slim figure. The dress covered a decent portion of her legs, allowing anyone to gaze at her sparkling glass heels.

"Visitors!" She cheered as her blue eyes met with theirs. "What brings you here?"

"We're here for your gemstone, if you want to make it easier, you can just hand it over though." Fayemi answered, holding her hand out.

"I see. So all three of you at once? Sorry, that won't work."

"Aww, that sucks because we're fighting as a trio. I'm sure you can handle all three of us at once, being the most powerful Mirror-Type after all. But again, the offer to just give us the gemstone is still on the table."

"Well, in that case." Glace concealed her eyes and made her finger dance in the air.

The three glanced at each other, failing to understand whatever she was doing. Finally, her finger landed on Tysashi.

"You." With a single touch, she instantly transformed his body into shining glass.

A sudden shock passed through Fayemi's body, causing her to make a small leap. Alfred, on the other hand, simply lowered his eyebrows.

"Perfect, two opponents."

"W- what's wrong with you?!" Fayemi roared, feeling her blue hairs spring up.

"I solved the problem. I'm willing to fight, but not three. Because of your stubbornness, I took care of things myself. Now then, this will be where we fight."

A mirror appeared before them, a vast grassland could be seen. Fayemi darted her eyes towards Tysashi, keeping her from entering the mirror.

"Hold up, Glace. I want to add a little something to this fight. If we win, you fix my friend and surrender your gemstone." Fayemi announced.

The offer intrigued Glace, pushing her to come up with her own prize.

"And if I win, I get to use your bodies for a little project."

Glace presented another mirror in front of them, revealing an incomplete stained glass window of herself crafted from the shards of previous opponents. Although the colors ranged from just blue and white, she considered the project beautiful.

Alfred noticed Fayemi taking a prolonged gaze into the mirror, sensing her usual mood wasn't active at the moment. He could hear her heart beat rapidly, her eyes remained glued to the mirror. Eventually, she broke out of it, and ignored her worries.

"Fine by me, come on Alfie! We're gonna beat this chick with everything we got!" Slamming her fist on an open palm, Fayemi entered the mirror without hesitation.

Alfred took one look at Tysashi's still body, making a promise to himself to win this battle before following Fayemi.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

A lush field of green laid upon their eyes as the blowing winds pushed the blades of grass. The sky was cloudless, allowing abundance of sunlight to grace the land.

"Ah, such a wonderful place to fight." Glace opened her arms to soak in the sunshine.

"Yeah yeah, it's all nice and warm. I'll admire the sunshine after I win!" Fayemi prepared her body, giving Glace an icy stare.

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