Versus The Angered Spirit, Umibosa

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Twelve: Part Four

The twinkling, static stars laid throughout the cold, night sky. The delicate winds pushed the leaves of healthy trees; the moonlight spread its beautiful glow throughout the grass. With a stomach stuffed with steak, Tysashi arose from the table.

"Thank you, Alfred. That meal was delicious. Well, time to fight Umibosa."

Just as he approached the arched doors, Aradressa's words halted him. "Tysashi, please return safely." Their hands were conjoined as their glimmering eyes met.

"I promise."

"Do you have all of your gear equipped?"

"Of course, I couldn't leave without it. If I can beat the Water Goddess herself, then I can beat the one under her rank. I'll be back before you know it." He freed himself from her grasp. His charming smile was the final view she had before his figure disappeared behind the door.

"Ease your worries. He'll be fine." Marissa took her hand down Aradressa's lengthy string of hair.
⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Entering the Kula Outlet, the area swarmed with few fairies. From children to adults, his eyes viewed them all. Multiple stores and shops were closed; the atmosphere drowned in deepening gloom and silence. Streetlights lit the path ahead. Numerous citizens glared at him. He soon arrived at Orchtune and the population had decreased. His head orbited the various closed shops.

"So this is Orchtune...pretty nice. There's so many gear shops. So much space." He told himself.

The further he walked, the more buildings he spotted. Even the rectangular library shrouded in darkness was in view. The population dwindled ever further as if extinction occurred. Eventually, he arrived at Shanghai Lake. The area appeared devoid of life while the white moonlight rippled across the calming waters. With his eyes fixated to the water, he retrieved the shard and commenced the chant.

"Umibosa, Umibosa, Umibosa!" He yelled with stationary pupils. He could feel his hair rocket upward in anticipation, though nothing occurred. The light of the shard was reflected across the water, yet no Umibosa. His eyebrow automatically rose as he returned his attention to the shard itself.

"Did it wrong?" He wondered, inspecting the item and the lake once more. Before he recited the chant again, the water quaked intensely. It wasn't long before the water transitioned into a pool of black goop. The moonlight was afraid to shine down as Umibosa emerged from her eternal bath. Her extensive hair dripped with darkness as her dead, white eyes viewed him. The shard made up her right eye, begging to be freed. Fitting her gigantic figure, she unleashed a powerful roar. Her hair screamed along with her.

Snakes of darkness were launched towards him at impossible speeds. His trusty necklace activated in this dire situation, allowing him to perform perfect dodges. A mighty fireball warmed up in his hands before he launched it at the murky foe. The attack shot right through her stomach, leaving an opening. This gap was soon repaired as the liquids sealed it.

"I can't do anything from here; I gotta get closer."

A wave of black goop gushed from her mouth; Tysashi fought back with his pyrokinesis while having an internal argument with himself about his strategy. Their forces countered each other; sweat ran from his forehead to his chin. Suddenly two enlarged fists targeted him from the sides. At the last possible second, he sprung from the ground and dashed up her arms. His shoes sunk by the inches the longer he ran. Umibosa flung the insect off her arm, spewing more liquids. Like a potent dragon, he evaporated her attack. She sent her rushing arm towards the gliding teenager. Just as her massive fist barely touched his nose, he shouted the magic word.


Upon his request, time halted. A sheet of information on Umibosa appeared before him.

Name: Umibosa Uziki

Sex: Female

Region: Kula

Age: Unknown

DOB: 6/13/1991

Elemental Type: Water/Spirit

Bio: Umibosa is the vengeful soul of a young girl who drowned in Shanghai Lake almost three decades ago. She's one of the legendary guardians of the Aqua Gemstone. Her abilities allowed the negativity in her soul to mold itself into a reflection of her anger. Once her soul took form, her liquids turned into a slimy, black substance. This liquid can leech energy off those who come into contact with it. Umibosa possesses the ability to manipulate her unique liquid and shape into whatever she desires. Her arms can extend up to two miles long, and she's near indestructible. The fastest way to claim victory over her is to boil her from the inside. However, this feat is difficult to accomplish as the temperature of 10,000 Fahrenheit is required. Only a selection of powerful Fire-Type fairies could ever match this heat. For this reason, Peoria entrusted her with the shard of the Aqua Gemstone. It is unknown how the shard was placed in her right eye. Rumors say she lost her eye while her soul transformed into the terrible spirit she is now, and the shard was used as a replacement.

Tysashi sped down her arm and made his way to her shoulder. From there, he stuck his shoes onto the center of her face. He held a secure grip on the shard, prepared to give it his all. A pleasing sideshow of nostalgia played in his mind. Fond memories of combating monsters with his sibling and friends as he's doing now. No victory ever felt complete without them.

He began forcing the shard out of her socket. Being forced into an extreme game of tug-of-war, he could feel his progress steadily increasing. The space he had to maneuver his hand was like a miniature cave. No room for air, as if  the liquids were closing in. Eventually, the watch flashed blue before time was freed from its chains.

Umibosa roared as her fluids sprawled over his arm like ants after their home has been invaded. His energy was being forcefully drained from his body as his arm was now submerged.

"I- I can't give up, I made a promise! And I'm going to keep it!" He yelled, his eyes shimmering with hope. His blood warmed with adrenaline. His stupendous strength spiked. His everlasting energy knew no bounds. He never lost that determination, even if his body was finally consumed completely by darkness. His energy fell faster than a stone thrown off a skyscraper. With each second, he lost more rights to command his body. All he saw was silent darkness, no bubbles, no sound. Air rapidly escaped his lungs, his insides begging for oxygen.

Just before his vision shut off, Umibosa began to bubble. Much like his encounter with Aquiline, popping bubbles infected her body. She couldn't describe this dreadful feeling. However, similar to splitting headache, the torture only rose. In the end, Tysashi exploded from her right eye socket with the gem in hand, engulfed in flames. With a safe return to the ground, he witnessed Umibosa screech like a distressed animal. She held her palm on the injury before repairing the damage. From there, the two exchanged a prolonged stare.

"Sorry about the roughness. I know you're angry about what happened to your body, but that's all in the past. Yes, people can be disgusting sometimes, but that doesn't mean you have to be that way too. It may be too late for me to change you, but at the very least, I don't want any hard feelings."

He extended his fist out for the spirit, Umibosa froze in surprise. Her mind was in scrambles as she attempted searching for any logical reason as to why anyone would be this friendly. All she saw was a friendly smile on his face, a look of good intentions. Ultimately, their fists met.

"Thank you, Umibosa."

She nodded in response, returning to the depths of the lake. The water found its original glow as the moonlight shined ever so magnificently.

"Back to the castle." He told himself, walking through the land.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Tysashi stood behind Aradressa's door, entering her room.

"Tysashi!" She cried, leaping from her bed to cuddle him within her arms. "You're safe, thank goodness. I just couldn't fall asleep without ensuring your life is preserved. I also wrote a couple of entries in your journal."

"Thank you very much. I'm fine, but I really need to sleep. Umbria took more out of me than I thought, I'll be sure to read it all tomorrow. Goodnight, Aradressa." He sheltered himself within the sheets.

"Goodnight, Tysashi." Before she could join him in bed, she opened a new page in her diary.

Diary Entry #11

Aquiline has forbidden me from assisting Tysashi in his quest to accumulate the shards of the Aqua Gemstone. The reason being Aquiline believes he's been far too dependent on my abilities. The way I view it, we're merging our abilities and experiences to form a tighter bond. Though I dislike the conception of being separated, there is no other option. Perhaps that is why Tysashi suddenly felt anxious. Without me, he must feel alone and frightened. Then again, it is only but a theory. I pray he will spend the rest of his time in Leyland with comfort."

End of Entry Eleven

With the entry complete, she could finally join him in the sheets. "I hope his luck with the battle boosts his confidence..."

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