Versus The Unorthodox Woman Of Mirrors, Glace (Part Four)

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Thirteen: Part Twenty-Eight

The customers of Variah's Core laid peacefully in the endless pools of lava. Fire-Types mainly visited the volcanic hot springs. The scorching heat made it a personal heaven for those who could withstand the intense temperature.

Chatter among the people filled the air, until two women suddenly emerged from a mirror above them. Fayemi surveyed the area, collecting stares from other fairies. Luckily, the heat hadn't affected Fayemi yet as she was still in her Potential Form. Glace wasn't so fortunate as she was immediately hit by the fiery climate.

She eyed many fairies, selecting a random woman out of her pool of options.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I'm in need of your services." Glace performed the Embodiment ability, replacing the resistance to the cold for the heat.

"Ah, much better." She sighed happily. "Now then, for the rest of you, please relocate yourselves." She added.

Her words were taken seriously. Everyone left the two alone and found a new spot that didn't involve fighting.

"Alright Glace, let's-" She stopped herself as Glace sat in the lava.

"You should take a dip in the lava. It's refreshing. Oh right, you can't." She said with a straight face.

"Did you forget we were having a battle here?"

"I suppose we were." She splashed some lava at Fayemi, who quickly drew back.

She used Aurora Beam in retaliation. Glace sank below the lava, throwing off Fayemi's accuracy. She gave herself a moment to breathe after ten seconds of using the ability.

"Hailstorm!" A humongous cloud with a shade of cerulean appeared above her, sending down a collection of large ice chunks down.

The ice chunks melted before they could sink into the lava. She sighed in disappointment, knowing her Potential Form might not last too long.

Glace resurfaced, refilling her lungs with air. She wiped her eyes to regain her vision. Fayemi's wings flapped in a hurry, targeting her vulnerable opponent. As her sight cleared up, she caught a glimpse of Fayemi striking her with an elbow.

She was launched onto the reception desk. The long-haired woman behind peeked over the desk, questioning why a woman was on the ground.

She picked herself up, facing the woman. Her nose picked up the delicious scent of honey from her cream skin.

"Excuse me, could you tell me what's up with the volcano sitting in the distance?" She asked casually, noticing the girl's eyes were still widened.

"T- that's Fount Inferno, it erupts like a water fountain every twenty minutes. Reserved for those who have purchased a special ticket." As professional as she tried to be, she still couldn't stop herself from stuttering.

"When's the next eruption?"

"In six minutes."

She thanked her, promising she would try not to cause too much havoc. Although that was already achieved.

"Glace!" She called.

She turned her eyes to Fayemi. "Can't you see I'm talking to the nice lady here?"

With clinched hands, she advanced towards her. Glace grabbed a towel from the desk in an attempt to blind her with it. She caught the thrown towel, performing a small twirl to get behind her. With all her speed, she wrapped the towel around her eyes.

In the void of darkness, she felt mighty blows over her body. Her fists were swung aimlessly, only resulting in more injuries to her being. Soon, her hearing was muffled and the air was limited. She pulled her head up, finding herself in a pool occupied by a family.

Their eyes stayed glued on Glace as the mother held her child close. She spotted a few toys drifting gently across the lava.

"I'll need to borrow this." She took the lava gun, refilling the tank.

She escaped the pool, charging towards Fayemi with a full tank. As they met, she noticed the gun. Stunned by confusion, Glace took that time to shoot her shot.

Hastily, Fayemi placed a shield before her. Though it would not last long as she could see the lava melt through the ice. She held back the lava as best as she could, replacing the melted ice as quickly as possible. She could feel all of her power sinking into the shield she desperately tried to keep alive.

She managed to drain the gun of lava, but at the cost of her Potential Form. She fell to the black, rocky ground. The fierce heat exhausted her, signified by her wings flapping slowly. Heat began to pile up underneath the outsole of her shoe. This urged her wings to take her off the ground, although sluggishly.

She tried to activate her ice abilities, but to no avail. Her body was strained by the heat. A mirror popped up behind her. She tried to get away, but Glace shoved her in.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Sitting on the top of the volcano, Glace could see people partying inside. The magma bubbled, it was nearly time for the eruption.

"Fayemi, before I secure my victory, I at least wanted you to see this. It'll be a memorizing scene before you get turned into glass. Do you want to make an amusing pose before then?" She kept her eyes down the throat of the volcano.

A shock of energy passed through Fayemi's body, temporarily allowing her to ignore the heat draining her. She shot towards Glace with the intention of forcing her into the volcano. Glace stepped to the side as Fayemi threw herself near the throat.

Before she fell inside, her arm stretched to take Glace with her. She easily controlled her descent though Fayemi couldn't. Her face glowed red as she begged her wings to function.

Bubbles in the magma grew more frequent, eventually rising up. She created a mirror behind Fayemi, who just fell into it, while she hurried inside.

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