Being ace

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By Lauren


I first found out about my sexuality in school. We were doing a project on LGBT in technology and my friend had found all of the flags with their meanings she called me over and pointed at the asexual flag and said " this sounds like you!" I knew she meant it as a joke but realised she might be right. That was on the last day of the half term so over the weeks holiday I did some research about it and finally came to the conclusion I was asexual. At the end of the half term I decided to just tell two of my friends, one of which was the one who told me about it in the first place. We sat in the park eating our lunch and decided to play twenty questions three way. One of them asked sexuality so I came out. They both hugged me and the one who told me about it said " Ha I knew it. Oh wait now us straight people are out numbered in our friendship group!" She then paid for a black ace pride ring for me.

I was really happy and have now told most of my friends but I am scared of telling my family so I am going to wait.

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