Bigger World Than I Thought

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By Dodie


So, I've known I was Bisexual since I was ten, but now I've started questioning my gender too. Trouble is I can't seem to find a label that fits me. And before anyone says, "Oh but you don't need a label!" Shush. I do. I find it frustrating not having a label and it really annoys me.

Just looking for a gender has opened my eyes to a range of genders on and off the spectrum. Not that any of them fit me though.

I've talked to countless numbers of people, trying to find one label, one name to fit. But I can't.

Lately I've just been feeling like I'm Agender, with a hint of femininity. I've gotten urges to cut my hair shorter and start wearing clothes I don't usually wear.

Although I can't find a label to suit me, I can help myself out by doing the things I want to do.

There's a bigger world than what I originally thought out there. There are so many genders out there. Who knows, maybe one day it will just click. Maybe I'll just keep searching forever. Maybe I am just a special snowflake.

I'm cool with that though.

Maybe I'm denying something, and I am a gender I've tried already.

Who knows? After all, it's a big world and I'm still looking. You should keep looking too. Never give up on yourself because one day you'll find a label that fits yourself.

Do whatever makes you feel comfortable- and good luck to anyone like me.

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