Don't Worry

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By meowgoescat


This is about me and my friend.

One of my friends, let's call her T, confessed to me last year she like a girl. We were talking about crushes and such, pretending to be cliche girls who love gossip. I asked her who she liked, and instead of the usual "nobody" she looked around before whispering to me. Let's call her crush K. K was one of her best friends, and T didn't want to tell her.

T made me promise not to tell and I agreed because she was my friend. She told me she hadn't told anyone yet, and I was the first. She worried her parents wouldn't accept her for she said they are "really, really religious" and didn't like homosexuality.

Now to me, we will come back to her later.

Now to me. Let's call me Melanie, since that's my pen name. When I was little, I would notice other girls sometimes. But I was young and didn't know you have to only like boys. I told myself I was probably straight and shrugged it off for a few years.

I procrastinated my sexuality, weird right?

Anyway, about a year learning about T, we would talk about that kind of stuff. I liked that we could talk and laugh and not judge each other. One night we were texting, and she brought up her parents. She told me came put to her mother and brother, and surprisingly to her, the accepted her, not thinking anything bad like she had thought. T is doing well, and full accepted herself.

Recently, I did some soul searching and realized I was Bi.

I told T and she was great about it, her being Biromantic. I was nervous on how to tell my other friends.

My bestie, C, and I were hanging on Halloween. We wanted candy so nobody was gonna keep us away from Trick-Or-Treating. We started in her neighborhood and she had our route planned out.

"Which way do we go now?" I had asked

"We are just gonna walk the straight path, like we always do."

"I don't always walk straight."

She understood what I meant and we had laughed. The next day, we talked about it and I figured out she is Bi as well. We haven't really told many people but it felt great to tell my bestie.

We are still figuring things out, and I'm not too worried about coming out to my parents. My dad has told me, when we were discussing T, that he would be accepting of anything. He's cool like that.

So that's me. If you're struggling, just don't worry. Things will get better, and many people in our day and age are accepting.

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