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Hello hello hello (and welcome to the ham4ham!) I am back, but I actually was anonymous last time, so just to let you know, last time, my story was called "labels?" The summary of that one is I am confused about my sexuality and scared to tell my parents even though they would be accepting.

I am still very much female, and I am still very much queer, but this morning, as I was putting in my earrings, I kind felt something click into place. I stood back to look at myself once more time in the mirror to make sure I wasn't missing anything (once I forgot my shirt, but that's a story for another day) and I was like, "hi, self! This bisexual you!" And so that's kinda what I am going by for now. I feel like now with a label, I can know myself and what I am better. Although I have obviously not fully accepted myself yet (I'm still scared to tell some people) I feel like that was somewhat a step in the right direction FOR ME (not saying labels help everyone, they just helped me). Oh and also, my mother found out. She knows I am not straight, although I don't think she's knows I am bi specifically. She asked me, "what if Caitlin [<same fake name for my best friend/crush from last story] finds out? How will you feel then?" We were talking about trusting people with secrets like that, by the way, and I hadn't told her, so I think that's what she was talking about. I said that she already knows because that's true, I told Caitlin over the summer. Anyway, that's it for today folks!

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