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Hi! My name's Avery Jace, AJ for short and this is my story;

Growing up with divorced parents is quite hard. Every summer I would go and visit my mom who lives in Los Angeles, then after a few weeks, fly back home to my dad in Sydney.

Ever since I was little, I knew that I was different. My female classmates would talk about the boys the find attractive and when they would ask me which boy I like, I would just answer them with a shrug.

I was 12 when I finally realized that I like girls, and honestly, that scared me at first. I came out to the both of my parents three years later, when I was 15, and thankfully, it went really well. My dad even told me that I could talk to him about girls if I want and Mom said that it's fine with her as long as I'm happy with who I am.

Then when I was 16, my best friend, Evan and I met this girl named Rachelle. She was really beautiful with that wavy blonde hair and green eyes of hers. I was immediately attracted to her.

The three of us began hanging out quite a lot just after we met Rachelle. She was that type of person who you would get easily comfortable with. For me, everything about her seemed perfect.

It took me quite a while to confess to her and ask her out because I didn't even know if she was into girls, and when she said yes, I was totally overjoyed. Sure she wasn't my first girlfriend but with her, it felt really different. It was like something in me felt whole.

I soon realized that I have already fallen for her...hard.

I still remember the first time that told her that I love her. Dad, Evan, Rachelle and I went out camping that time. Rachelle and I went stargazing at a hill near our campsite. It was kind of cliché actually. Like those ones in the movies where a couple would say their I love yous under the stars and then afterwards, kiss.

I was happy. We were happy. Rachelle had even met my mom. Mom came for a surprise visit that time, she said that she couldn't wait 'til next summer and have been dying to meet the girlfriend that I have been talking about.

But as they say, all things come to an end. We have been dating for a year and a half when that happened. 2 months ago to be exact.

Rachelle and Evan told me to meet up at our usual hangout place. They said that they have something important to tell me. I then had this really bad feeling. Like something was terribly wrong but I just shrugged it off. But, the nearer I got there the more nervous I got.

When I got to our meeting place, they were already there, talking about something. Both have mixed emotions when they saw me.

They kept on stuttering when they talked to me. When I asked them if something was wrong, it was then that Rachelle told me what the thing was.

She told me that she was pregnant. She was pregnant with my best friend's child.

I was in too much shock to respond. Why? Why would they do this? I wanted to cry, to scream but I can't. I felt too much pain, hurt, sadness, betreyal and anger. I couldn't take it and when I came back to my senses, I reacted by punching Evan multiple times.

I then got in my car and drove home, I almost got ran over by a truck because of how careless I am that time. I cried for nights, I even broke my hand because of how hard I punched my bedroom wall.

Every night, Rachelle would call me but I wouldn't answer. She would send voice messages saying how sorry she is, that she didn't mean to hurt me the way she did.

Then, almost 2 weeks ago, I found out that their parents agreed for them to get married a few months after we graduate, when they're both 18.

It really hurts especially everytime I see them together.

Hopefully I would get over what happened when I go to college in Los Angeles. That would be thousands of miles away from Sydney, away from them.

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