It's Getting There

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By Oli


Well, first of all, I'd like to say I was born. To be exact, I was born a girl. My parents, everyone, had always seen me as a girl. Dressing me up in girly clothes when I was younger, Disney princess costumes and dresses. For many years I felt normal. At the age, it must've been, when I was eight or nine, I cut my hair short. Like Dan and Phil short. Then, I didn't know why. But deep inside, there was definitely something stirring. I started asking if I could wear trousers, and got out of pink and Disney. A few years, I just was being 'normal', but my hair was getting shorter and shorter. In 2014, my hair got absolutely short. I mean, I even kinda regretted it. I looked so awkward and that wasn't good. We went to America that year, and people started thinking I was a guy. That, deep inside, actually made me happy. I didn't have to be associated with prissy popular girls. The hair grew out for a few years, but only the fringe. I still just wore trousers, being squeezed into a dress every now and then. I was feeling fine. Then, start of 2016, my thoughts completely changed. What was once deep inside took over my whole mind. I didn't feel like a girl. I felt like a boy. I was going to be better, and more comfortable as a boy. From then, the thoughts cascaded into my head and I was pretty apprehensive. Until I decided to tell my best friend. I could always go to her, she was kind and understanding. I told her everything. She listened. She accepted me for who I was- not Hannah, but Oli. Since then, which was a few months back, I have told some more friends, and it has became more widespread. One thing I can't do yet, tell my parents. I am an anxious, nervous wreck. There have been many, many people who have rejected what I have decided to be, but I keep on fighting. I hope sometime I can properly transition and make my life happy and have people understand me well, and I hope others will understand me, even find their courage.

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