I'm Not 'Attracted' to People

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By Dragon


I am 13, a girl, and I am asexual.

If I see someone just perhaps walking down the street, I can recognize their attractiveness. For me it's never really been like "I'd tap that". More so for me, it's like, I'll kind of know someone and want to be their friend. It's not really romantic attraction or anything, it's just I would want to be around said person and spend time near them. Most of the time when this happens to me, I just accidentally make things really awkward.

So I'm pretty sure I am asexual. That doesn't necessarily mean I find stuff like sex repulsive or something, it's just I don't look at someone and want to do it.

I only recently figured this out about myself. Lately I've been looking back at myself throughout elementary school etc. Thinking back, whenever I said I had a crush it wasn't a romantic feeling. More so it was just I want to be around this person more.

It's the same thing in middle school, except now I have had the same feeling about a girl as well.

I just really want to be around her for some reason even though I'm not quite sure why. Maybe it's because a lot of my current friends and I don't share too many interests so I can't really talk about my strange nerdy obsessions etc. I just hope things never get too awkward.

So far the only people I've really told about me being asexual are my sibling, and some close friends. My parents still don't know, and I don't think so will really ever tell them. I have already kind if established with hem I'm not really into the whole dating thing.

This isn't really your typical self-discovery story where someone goes through hard times to be who they are. This is just me, accepting me.

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