Love Therapy

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By Sophie



Remember me? I think not ;-;

I'm the girl who wrote the "My Entire LGBT Life" story. I'm back with updates on my life

Well, first thing, I finally found a label that I can fit myself into. I identify now as Demi-Panromantic Bisexual. I think it suits me really well, 'cause I can imagine myself loving anyone, as long as the person has a deep relationship with me, a good friend, for an example. So having only the Bisexual label wouldn't fit for me. Now I'm perfectly fine with who I am and I plan on coming out to all of my friends next year. I already told my closest friends about it, but they are only a few and I think I should be out among my other friends too.

Next is that C (the girl I had a crush on and just simply started hating me) is showing less hatred upon me than before. She still isn't fond of having me around, but I can see she has been less disgusted about it. One day she even talked to me in a normal way.

Her friends are starting to approach me more too, like they used to do before the whole mess started. Right now, I'm on vacation, but once school gets back, I'm planning on talking to C about it. Face to face.

Last, but not least, I now have some sort of mental exercise I do everyday, you might think it's kinda weird and creepy but it is actually working, because I feel more happy and confident, and now I never have those depressing thoughts on how people's lives would be better without me.

Now every time I go to sleep I look at the mirror (and to my beautiful drawing of a rainbow I put there) and repeat to myself, out loud: "I love myself. I love who I am and what I am, and there's no one else I'd rather be than me." I keep repeating that to myself until I get tired and fall asleep. It is really weird, but it actually works for me.

Try it out yourself and see if it works

Just now i realized how weird that is.

But who cares? It helps me, that's all that matters.

Bye! ❤️



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