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By Ashtheunicom


Hi, I'm back with more stuff.

So, I have a boyfriend. At least, I thought I did. One day he breaks up with me, the next day he ignores me, and the day after that he acts like we're dating again. Now you're probably thinking, "What's that got to do with LGBT+ if it's a straight relationship?!" My answer is absolutely nothing, but at the same time absolutely everything.

At the beginning of the school year, I discovered I really liked this one girl. For the sake of privacy, we'll call her May because of a poem I wrote about her.

So, she's also a cheerleader I think. Except she has thick red hair and isn't a bitch. She's so nice to everyone. Even me, the emo, weeb misfit. So, that crush died down after awhile and my boyfriend and I started dating. Then, the whole confusing break-up thing happened.

A couple weeks ago, we got seat changes in two. May just so happened to be in both of those classes. Now, something happened that I thought only happened in movies, books, and fanfictions. I sit behind her in math now. And I also sit next to her in science. What are the freaking odds?

So my friend who we'll call My Ankles (it's a long story) knows about this crush and constantly asks me about it. He's also tried to hint at May that I like her. God, she's probably really straight too.

But recently, I was on a field trip. We were eating lunch, and I was sitting with My Ankles, and two other friends who aren't exactly the most important in this story. We were at Chick-Fil-A and May kept looking at me. I don't know if I was imagining things or something but I swear she was looking at me a lot.

Then the next day at dinner, I decided to be a nice person and take my three other friends' dishes and put them away for them. We were at a college campus by the way. I mean, it was a HUGE stack. I passed my friend who we'll call W and said, "I sincerely hope people don't assume that all of these plates and bowls are mine." May happened to pass by.

She said, "It's okay though because you're really thin." I wasn't sure whether to take that as a compliment or not, but fuck it. I took it as a freaking compliment.

So this isn't really a meaningful story, but it's still confusing. I keep wondering how I got to sit near my crush in two classes.

A week or so passed since then. Now I sit next to her in both math and science which pretty nice. Also, she smells amazing.

Before you call me a creeper, lemme explain. Y'know how when someone turns around really fast and air whooshes in your direction? Yeah, that happens a lot with her. Si naturally I catch a whiff of her scent and it just so happens to be a nice scent. I'm making things worse, I'll stop.

She's so nice to me though. Earlier, we were talking about our favorite pens. I complimented her handwriting and made her laugh a couple of times. For just a second, I'm going to get real cheesy.

Her laugh is so nice. I'm going to admit that I like pretty much everyone's laugh. But May's laugh is usually nice and short, and never forced. Also, her teeth aren't perfect but they make her smile all the cuter.

Now I'm thinking more about it, this crush started last year. She was in my group for something and the group met every Tuesday and Thursday. I always found myself staring at her whenever it was her turn to go up to the board. I always knew she was pretty, but didn't really accept it until this school year. Another thing that I'm almost positive had an impact was me coming out to myself as bi/pan this past summer which is the summer of 2016.

But yeah, that's all for now. My maybe ex-boyfriend isn't telling me anything, so I'm just letting my massive crush on May grow day by day.

That's all for now! Byeee

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