They called me crazy

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By Zoltan


Im going to take you guys a long time back, I was actually pretty sure of my self of what sexuality i was. I didnt have any certain Style or anything like that. After a long time of always Crushing on girls, I finally decided to date this One girl in grade 9. At first she seemed really nice until a few months later when i realized that she loved her ex-girlfriend and that really hurt at the time. I did date one other girl but she didnt effect me much so...

Anyways after i was dumped several times by this girl in grade 9, i decided id give her one last chance, I went to her place. After that day, i never Spoke to her again. That was when i started questioning myself of what sexuality i actually was. It made me wonder, considering i had alot of bad experiences with girls, my mind was in complete overdrive and that made me sad. I didnt realize until later on that i had some feelings for a Trans-gender Male that was Female, that i was actually Pan-sexual. I decided to tell him about those feelings and he just happened to have the same feelings. We've been friends ever since the end of that. I dated in and out and i did find this one girl, on WattPad. She... Made my world turn, she still does to this day. Shes amazing and i cant thank her enough. Even though im not with her, i still cant thank her enough. But, its been just a year today that i came out and i now consider myself Demi-sexual. Its been about half a year since i made my Sexuality public on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and WattPad and i am happy with who i am today.

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