Never Forget

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By Kia_Bro_1029


It was around the end of 7th grade when I realized. I couldn't identify myself then but I knew I wasn't straight. I suddenly felt like I was a part of the LGBTQ+ community and it was nothing I could do to change it. During class debates, I found myself having a much bigger voice for the LGBTQ+ community than I used to.

I told my best friend, a Christian, that I was bisexual. She accepted and life was ok. The summer going into 9th grade, her, some friends, and I began to take classes at the University nearby. As we began to talk about politics, the subject of LGBTQ rights came up. Me being the debater I am, decided to get everyone's views. To my misfortune everyone, including my best friend, was against it. I felt hurt. It felt like she forgot about me and decided to pick sides.

One day, we were texting about it and she said that the LGBTQ community was going to Hell. I responded with, "Oh I guess I'm going to Hell too." She texted, "Are you gay or something?" And it became final that she forgot about me and who I was.

"No, I'm bi." I replied, "I've told you before." I almost bursts into tears because the only person I told doesn't accept me anymore. I didn't know her anymore. I knew then that people will change their views to make others happy.

"I didn't forget, Kianna," She texted back, "I accept you, I just don't accept the LGBT community."

"I am the LGBT+ community. If you accept me, you have to accept the rest of us."

At that moment she apologized and wanted me to come to the rest of them via group chat. I did only so I could find out who would accept me or not. They accepted me however, I remember the things they said and not ever forget it.

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