No Curious Mom

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By Triniti0806


Hello once again! Do quick update on me, if you don't already know I am bisexual but recently I started questioning my gender and came across bigender after awhile I came to terms of that being who I am. But let's get to the main topic. So I had gone on this field trip and while I was there I had met some people who were bi, pan, and gay. My literal reaction was "MY PEOPLE!!" Lol but anyways later that night I was telling my mom about this, she just looked at me and went on a whole rant about how kids like me shouldn't be labeling ourselves with a different Sexuality when we haven't tried any thing sexual with the same gender or anything like that. She's done that to me a few times before but this time it really got to me. I just sat there and didn't really talk to her for the rest of the night. Also if my past thing titled No Regret I had mentioned I was gonna start going by Andre as well as Triniti but I honestly don't know about that anymore I might go by Dakota since it's more of a unisex name is guess you could say. I guess that's all for now. As always LOVE IS LOVE!!! <33


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