The Bisexual Liar

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By Kam


So as of today I identify as pansexual but long ago, 2014, I identified as bisexual.

One day I was texting my friends and as any 13 year olds we were saying "silly" things that 13 year olds shouldn't be saying.

Long Story short my dad came in and he took my phone BUT I did not want him to see those messages SO I had to put on an act. I started to "sob" and I snatched the phone back from him.

He left me in my room to cry until my mom came home.

They both questioned me for about 20 mins, as I was crying, about what I didn't want them to see. So, since me and my mom were really close my dad left the room and she started guessing what the problem was.

She asked things like " are you doing drugs?" " did you fail a test?" "Are you having sex?"

Then she said " are you gay?"

And in my head I was like ' I could use this so they won't look through my phone.'

So I started "sobbing" harder. And she hugged me and said " it's okay to be gay sweetie" and stuff like that. But I didn't want the lie to go to far so I said " Well I THINK I may be lesbian."

And she was okay with it.

My dad wasn't though and he was saying how it was a sin, but I didn't really care for his opinion.

So basically I lied about thinking I was gay, so I wouldn't get in trouble.

Weeks later my dad found my journal and read it and he read about how I wrote about being bisexual, and he questioned me in the car, then my mom did.

I got to school and I texted my mom and told her I was bisexual.

My mom is totally okay with it and she actually goes with me to pride now and she bought me a pansexual pride flag.

But on the bad part of my coming out is that my dad became a total asshole, and still is to his day.

But I learned to love myself and my sexuality and to say fuck you to anybody else's opinion.

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