The "L" Word

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By Ryan


So hey! I would like to share a story about how I came out as a lesbian to my Christian family. I was 15, the school year was slowing down and I just thought "I need to tell them." At the time I was really confident and I was sure they would be okay with it. But as I said I would tell them, days went by. I was fed up with what I was doing. I was procrastinating because I was scared. I really didn't want to tell my family in fear of what would actually happen. I gathered all of the courage I could and went to my school councillor, I'll call her Mrs Mice. She is a nice woman that actually cares what's wrong. Anyways, she gave me some books talking about being a homo. She also gave me a card for a place called Rainbow Resource Center. After that I went on my merry way. Finished school and went home scared of what was to come. I was reading the books in my bedroom and my mom went outside for her after dinner smoke, I thought that this was the perfect time to tell her. I went outside, with the books in my sweater pockets, I got a chair and I placed it in front of my mom and sat down. She asked what was wrong, I didn't answer. My mother pointed her finger to my pocket. She said "what do you have in your pocket?" I being very nervous I quickly said "nothing, just books I'm reading!" She obviously didn't believe me and made me take out the books. She asked why I had these. My heart was beating a million times per second, I was shaking at the knees and I was clenching my jaw. I bursted out "Mom, I'm gay." I immediately froze. I can't believe I did that. She gave me the worst lecture in the world. It was terrible. My mom didn't accept me and who I was. I ran back in the house and started to cry. My grandma came into the room and asked what was wrong. I told her and she said she still loves me no matter what.

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