True experiences of having a crush on your best friend

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By AverageUnic0rn


Almost one year ago I moved to Nevada. I started at a new school with new friends. The girl I'm closest to, let's call her Tina, is sooooooo cute. She knows I'm bi, but she doesn't know who I have a crush on. "Why doesn't she know?" I hear you asking. BECAUSE SHE IS THE CRUSH! I can't tell her though, on account of things being, ya know, awkward. I'm also pretty sure she's straight as uncooked spaghetti(yeah I'm going with that comparison).

I hang out with her almost everyday after school, and we are inseparable on weekends. I always drop hints to her like "You're so lucky you actually have a shot with Jaxon! I wish my crush liked me" and always hope she says "Well if they don't they're stupid, I'd date you in a heartbeat" or something like that. Alas, I'm pretty sure that'll never happen.


1. Don't be like me

2. If you're brave enough, tell them outright

3. I don't know I've never made it past stage 1 lol

As you can see I'm not very good at handling crushes XD but hey, I try.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my little story!

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