We're Here, We're Queer and We Don't Know What To Cheer

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By Dennis


So, Hi. I'm Dennis. That's my preferred name, but that's a story for another day, Today I'm telling the story of GSA.

GSA stands for Gay Straight Alliance. Its a safe place for queers and accepting straights can hang out. Which it was. It was going on for 2 years, with this as its second year.

The first meeting I became treasurer and my friend became Vice President. The people were nice and accepting... and just as random as life.

I have many memories though one stands out to me: Homecoming Parade.

Homecoming parade was an event where the school's Clubs and sports teams could go and walk around Downtown. GSA got to march.

After having a small anxiety attack I was met with caring people. With a rainbow cape on my back and a hand made sign in my hand we set off.

I stood in the front, between my friend and the secretary. As we walked past the school I held my sign up high and chanted GSA! with the others.

As we began to pass parents and adults, i was expecting booing or shouting, but no one did anything. I was amazed, considering out school is in a very unaccepting place.

So we stopped chanting GSA and began to chant "We're Here, We're Queer and We Don't Know What to Cheer!" Among ourselves.

We passed by the elementary/preschool and the kids were adorable. I remember one saying "Look! Rainbows!"

It made me happy to see these kids.

About halfway through we were dying of heat, though us being in the desert it wasn't surprising. We soon began to joke around, saying "Water the Gays! We're gonna Wilt!" As we passed people.

Throughout the whole thing I was looking for my boyfriend. I was hoping he was there. As we kept walking I began to realize he wasn't there. As we walked past the back of the Middle School I saw him, sitting on a bench. I ran up and hugged him, and ran back to the others. They we're laughing, not at me but at my excitement.

I then threw up later.

Just wanted to tell a story of GSA, even if it meant nothing to you guys.

Bye GUYS GALLS AND NON-BINARY PALS (thanks to Thomas Sanders for teh outro)

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