A Learning Experience

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By Shortie


Hello, my name is Shortie, imma kinda scared to say my real name so... Of course my story starts out that I'm a lesbian, but I'm only 12 going on 13 this month on the 24th so, I'm not that young. I was first a bisexual when I was in the 6th grade and I have my first girl crush named Erika, but I had a boyfriend at the time and was starting to feel more uncomfortable as the relationship went on, I had soon broken up with him later that school year before school ended, I didn't tell Erika I had a crush on her because she was straight and would probably never talk to me ever again, so she slid off my mind, during the summer I was questioning myself am I a lesbian or just bisexual and if my parents would accept me or not.. As the summer went by, I started to feel more comfortable with girls than guys, so I label myself as a lesbian, it was hard coming out, when I did, me and my mom were having a conversation and I accidentally said I had a girlfriend out loud. She was surprised but accepted me still and I was glad she did. I had 4 to 5 gf's but I'm currently flirting with one now. It took me a LONG while to come out to my dad who really surprisingly took it well and accepted me as well. I'm still having issues but will soon figure them out. All my friends know I'm gay but not all my family and not quite sure how to tell them but I will soon, hopefully.... But thanks for taking the time and reading this story, hope to write again soon..


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