Grandma, I'm gay

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By Kellin


HI! I'm Kellin, and I'm a lesbian. So I've know this for a while now, and I'm not entirely out, but still pretty out there. Anyways to the story, my Grandma is trying to hook me up with some kid who goes to her church named Marcus. I'm in the 8th grade, and he's in 9th. My grandma just goes on and on about how him and I are going to get married one day, and blah blah blah. And her not knowing about my sexuality, I don't exactly blame her for just thinking I like guys, but I still think she shouldn't have just assumed my sexuality. So she talks about Marcus, saying he's good looking, tall (compared to me, I'm kinda short) and he's in band (I'm in orchestra and play the violin) and she says he'll be a good man to take of me, but I don't want that. I don't want to be taken care of, I want to be able to still do things by myself, independently. And so March 9th of 2017, at like 8 am. My grandma again starts talking about Marcus, and so I look over at my grandma and say,

"Grandma I'm gay"

Her face turns to one of shock, she looks at me for a moment before asking "what?"

"I'm gay! I like girls!" I told her with a big happy smile.

She just nods her head and says "oh, okay. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that"

Relief washes on my face, the tension is gone, but I then look at her and say,

"Don't tell me parents!"

My parents are homophobic. My dad is completely against it, my mom on the other hand, is iffy on it. Anyways that was my milestone, and all I can say is be yourself, and love yourself

-Kellin ❤️

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