An amazing age of Discovering and exploring...

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By Dawn


Is what they all told us. I haven't come out to my school. Seeing as my school doesn't really like me. I have taken hints that I like girls. After being raped by one doesn't set a good example on a young unknown lesbian. Soon I just followed boys learned off of girls what to do. Then when I moved here, me and my friend M (Lets call her M) were dared to kiss. We kissed, it was like a thousand sparks just went into my head! She found out she wasn't Bi, so that was the end of my crush. Now I'm just learning the basics and grasping what I can! Last year I was made fun of for looking at my friends body (who is a girl) while she was changing. They mocked me and called me a Lesbian. It became quite clear to me that my classmates did not support that. But I'm planning on coming out to the rest of my friends when I go back to school. And now when I writing this again, I noticed something my school is against LGBT. When I searched up LGBT it showed me a LGBT flag with a X across it. Yep my school system is against LGBT. I have the slightest feeling that if it got around that I was Lesbian that they would actually send me to correctional place that my friend M has been to. I noticed that the "friends" I haven't come out yet and I that they seem to against it or at least mock it. I am seriously starting to fear coming out to my school or ever.


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