Finding Out and Sticking With It

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By Fire_Guard_


My story started when I was overseas. 6th grade was confusing. Of course, I had friends, best friends, and a crush.

Let's call my crush, Adam. (Not his real name)

When I was younger I never knew about LGBT and the word Christian. I would just shrug and not talk about it. I would never know I would become Bisexual.

I had crushes on boys and never thought about it. Adam, had a crush on me from the start, which was a long time ago. I, however, didn't like him until I got to know him and just things about him.

He soon became my best friend. I was itching to tell him about how I feel, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. We liked each other and our friends teased us about it.

They called us husband and wife.

"Oh, look your husband!" Or "There's your wife!"

Every thing was great for a while, at least, until I moved. That's when I realized I loved him.

We emailed, talking back and forth for a while. He asked me out and we began dating, April 7, 2016 was the date.

I was so happy and we kept in touch. I emailed a couple of my friends, just talking about stuff.

Adam told me that he think he was in love with me, so I said the same thing. Again, emailing back and forth.

Until that one day, August 18, 2016, he told me he couldn't bring himself to continue this relationship. It was too hard. Long distance never really was the answer.

We stopped talking and I went to a new school. Nothing happened, but it was 7th grade that really brought me out.

Everyone was idiots. Acting like being gay was a joke. They'd yell, "You're gay!" Stuff like that. It pissed me off.

Being gay or bisexual, lesbian, and transgender aren't jokes. Real people who feel this way, who learn to live with people judging them.

There were a people in my classes who are openly bi. They admit it too.

I have a small group of friends, ones who I came out to.

Haley (Let's call one of my friends. Not real name.) was bisexual, very weird, and funny. She was the jokester of the group. Always getting herself hurt, from fractured finger to fractured foot.

I started to admire her more, until I realized the very small crush I had on her. It kinda went away now, I like at least two girls.

Riley (let's call another one of my friends) was always beside me. She laughed at my stupid jokes, sat with me at lunch, always hanging out with me in class.

She has a sister, who is lesbian, Riley said she's fine with it. She's only mad at her for ruining her chances to be an aunt. I'm glad she's not homophobic, I don't know what I'd do.

I now have a crush on her and to scared to tell her.

Another girl, Kylie (Let's call her) was lesbian. She currently has a girlfriend and my crush on her still standing. She's into sports, not like me at all. Popular, not like me either.

Most people don't like me, maybe because I glare at everything in my path. It's them too, loud and idiots..

My mood has been wacky and messed up. I want to tell my parents so bad, my brother too, I can't bring myself to tell them.

I've been in a dark mood a lot, getting angry and crying at night. Alone and recalling what happened in my life.

I'm getting a little better, but I'm proud of who I am. I never once regretted being apart LGBT. I support them completely.

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