Asexual Acceptance

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By Kitty


I, like any other child in this world, was mostly grown to become straight. "Girls are just friends Kitty. Isn't he cute, Kitty?" Girls were not anything more then playmates and boys would be my future husbands. But I liked girls. A lot more then boys. I thought I was lesbian, because boys weren't really cute to me. I did have a crush on one boy but he didn't like me in return. Then, it finally hit me. I like both genders. Yes, I like girls more. Yes, I am very picky about the boys I like. And yes, that still makes me Asexual.

Then when hormones were starting to kick in and girls would start to imagine very private scenes, I was not interested. My friends told me I would have to find the right guy and then I would have fantasies. But the thing was, the only fantasy I have ever had is kissing a girl with ABSOLUTELY no tongue. My minds were dumbfounded I didn't like sex/make out sessions and called me "the late friend". As in, I hadn't had hormones yet.

But, I had. I absolutely had hormones. I even went to a doctor. She then pulled me close by the collar and whispered, "Does your mum know that you're asexual?" That was the first time someone had openly admitted to me about my sexuality. Asexual. What was that?

I shook my head no. She sighed and said, "You have to tell her soon." Even though I had no idea what she was taking about, I smiled and said, "Yes." I researched it that night. I was appalled. I wasn't bi? Lesbian? Straight? No, I was Asexual. "People won't understand." I told myself that sleepless night, "No one will understand and you'll be all alone."

But I found accepting friends. And after two years when the doctor told me the word "Asexual" I told my mom I was. She looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I don't care if you like girls or boys. Just adopt grandchildren then, okay?" I laughed that night as I could finally tell my mum about all of crushes. Every gender. Every person. Not just boys.

And yes, I've had comments calling me a fag and a c*nt. And no, it didn't affect me as much as I thought. Because I'm proud to be asexual. I'm proud that I like both genders. I'm proud that I will stay a virgin for life. I'm proud I like girls. I'm proud I like boys. I'm proud to be me.

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