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By Joy bassclarinetplayer_1


Being asexual is probably the most misunderstood. Telling someone is weird because they most likely think of the biology term. I came out to my best friend at first and she understood me. She told me that she was a lesbian so I trusted her. My mum didn't react as well she stole my phone and read all of my messages and looked at my instagram. I told some of my friends at school and my "ex boyfriend" said omg I dated a lesbian. I quickly corrected him and said I'm asexual which means I have no sexual desires. Luckily for me my fellow friend I know is also asexual. I'm still facing judgement by some Christians. They tell me I'm not a Christian because I support LGBTQ+ and that I'm a part of it.

I came out to my closet and I'm proud of doing it. I no longer care what people think of me. People tell me that I'm broken that it is a phase. My mum says it's a phase and she says and I quote " Your to young to even feel sexual desires toward someone." As I was saying earlier my best friend came out to me before I came out to her. I thank her for helping me get out of the secrets. I sadly have to lock my YouTube and Instagram because my mum is looking at it and reads all my messages.

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