Coming Out

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By Max


Hey people of Wattpad, it's Max!If the title didn't give it away, I'll be talking about multiple stories of when I came out to my family and friends.Mom and younger sister: Coming out to them wasn't exactly very difficult, I remember it being fairly early in the morning, around 10-11. We all sat on the couch, watching a movie of some sort when an actress appeared on screen, and without realizing it, I flat out said"She's hot."Way to go Max, really subtle. My mom and sister just stared at me with wide eyes and I kinda just stared back at them.My mom had asked what I meant by that, and I just shrugged:"I'm pansexual, which means I'll date anyone regardless of gender identity. Basically, gender blind."They just shrugged and continued watching the movie. My mom is completely cool with it, though my sister has a habit of outing me, though I don't mind since my family seems to be pretty accepting.Dad:Oh boy, this'll be interesting. Unlike my previous coming out experience with my mom and sister, you know, in the privacy of our own home, I came out in the parking lot of a restaurant.Brilliant idea, really.We were walking to our car, when I just said, "Dad I'm pansexual."He didn't say anything for a while, though when we got in the car, he had asked what I meant.Like I had previously done, I explained what pansexuality is in a sorta ramble.He just mumbled, "Okay." And that was pretty much that.Cousin: So, since distance is a thing, I was unable to come out to my.older cousin Sylvia in person. She lives in California, and I live in Texas, so she's rarely able to visit... Though she does work at a Barnes and Nobles so I do get free books..Anyways, me being the person I am, decided to send her lyrics to a song about pansexuality.As I sent them, it was obvious that she was very confused. She even asked me if she should be Googling this, and what a 'nonbinary squirrel' was.After a few minutes, I called her, and managed to explain that I had come out to her via a song. She laughed, told me I was awesome, and ended the call.Older brother:Wow, to be honest, I don't think I could ask for a more supportive brother. Seriously.It was a bit after I had come out to my dad, and I decided to text him, saying that I had some news. Good or bad all depended on how he took it.He immediately responded, asking what was up.The moment of truth ((WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY))... I'll stop now.Anyways!!I replied with, "Let's get one thing straight, I'm not."It took him a few minutes, before he responded with a laugh. "I get it!" He replied with a smiley emoji. "So, are you bi? Gay?"I laughed and explained that I was pansexual, somewhat fearing his response. This is the text I received:That's awesome! I'm so proud of you, and I'm happy that you trust me enough to tell me this! You've always accepted me, and remained open minded, I hope you stay that way! Honestly, I'll accept you, as long as you accept me. I love you <3With a laugh, I told him that k loved him too and that I'd always accept him. Few seconds later he texts:Who knows?I snicker and tell him about our dad, and my mom and sister. He replies with:Dammit, I'm always the last one to know!Friends:These are a group of people that I don't deserve, like, at all.When I first came out to my friend (let's catch her M), she looked at me with a huge smile and asked if that meant that she could ship me with the girls we both knew. I shrugged, and said yes. She cheered. Next friend I had came out to, was my friend, (let's catch him ML)). When I told him, he laughed and came out as pansexual to me, which was pretty awesome.Another one of my friends, ((let's call her A)), shrugged and said that she was bisexual.((Let's call this girl K)), told me that she was cool with it. In fact, she's bisexual and leans towards girls, and apparently has a crush on A.A, by the way, is her best friend. So, that's basically what I have so far! I'm really sorry that this chapter was so long, but I hope it made you smile!This is Max, signing off for now! Bye~

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