Coming out to my cousin who's my best friend

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By Jade


Around January or so, I realized that I was bi. I didn't know how to feel about myself at the time, let alone knowing how my family would feel. For a few months or so, I didn't tell anyone, I ended up telling three of my best friends because I liked one of them and one I had told earlier cause I was talking to her about the my friend who I liked. My friends knew and accepted me though it was strange for one of them. I was struggling with myself of who in my family I should tell first and when to tell them. I was so scared especially when one of my cousin's said that he doesn't like gays except my uncle. There was a pit at the bottom of my stomach that I couldn't get rid of when thinking about telling my family. I started thinking and I knew that my cousin was my best friend so I thought he should at least know. I wanted to tell him but I didn't know how to. I talked to a friend about how to tell him and at the time I was dating a girl so there was more that I thought he would be shocked about. I told my friend how he was my best friend and I was wondering how to tell him. She texted me back to say to him "Hey, guess what? I'm bi and dating a girl, so how are you?" I used that and when I messaged him, I was scared but also happy. He replied "Wow how long have you known" I told him how I realized I was bi around January. He came back with, "Lol well da*n" This made me laugh and I was glad he accepted me. He told me to not break up for a stupid reason and not to cheat. Honestly, my cousin is awesome. I'm glad he's also my best friend.

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