Finding Myself

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By Anonymous


I'm an average 14 year old girl, living down South in the United States. I haven't come out to anyone yet, so even this took a lot of courage to write.

I refuse to label myself. I don't know for sure if I'm bisexual or if it's something different. I'm still exploring myself and trying to figure out what I feel. But I think I like both girls and boys.

I've always been a supporter of the LGBT community, having family in friends being a part of it. I love them anyway, and I hope they'll love me on the same way when I finally find my true identity and come out.

Last year, I had a crush on a guy. Let's just call him "A." Anyway, for the longest time I really thought I liked ​him. After a while, I really thought about it and realized, I actually didn't really have very strong feelings for him. Really it was more of just a best friend thing, though he isn't my bff. She's a different person.

Here's why I really wrote this. I really do have a crush this time. On another girl. I have been questioning my sexuality for a while now, but she's what really let me know I'm not straight. Let's call her "B." Well, B is a quiet girl, until you get to know her. She's smart, friendly, artistic, just all around amazing. When I first met her, she was quiet as a mouse and barely looked at me. This year, I made friends with her and more she talks to me a lot and we hang out a ton. I've the past few days, I found out I have a crush on her. I wish I could date her, and I know she's not straight (her and her girlfriend broke up last month). I'm just not one of those people that other people look at. I'm practically a nobody at my school. I know my friend group, and they know me, but no one else does. Besides that, I'm chubby, have a unibrow, and I'm not exactly pretty. I don't have the courage to ask her out, and I don't think she likes me back. Anyway, thanks for listening to my story.

~ Anonymous

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