I am not giving up!

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By Olivia


I'm a 16 year old girl from Germany and I have figured out I was pansexual almost two years ago. I am out to almost all of my friends and a view family members.

My LGBT Mile Stone was, when I came out to my mom. While all of my friends, sisters and my dad have been nothing but supportive, she was a different story. When I told her, she started to laugh at me and repeating the word 'no' over and over again. She said she didn't believe me, that I must have read to many books, that I have liked boys since kindergarten. I guess she didn't get, that I don't not like boys, but not just them. Since than I tried to tell her again and again, but she is always trying to turn away and still doesn't believe me. But I am not giving up! Even when I still haven't completely succeeded in telling her and she believing me, I will always try again, because I am proud to say: I am pansexual! I can Fall in love regardless of gender and sexuality! I am happy! I have accepted myself, because this is me! I believe in myself, because I have finally figured out who I am!

Because this happened with my mom, I realised, I am strong, that I can keep going, keep living and keep being myself, even with some rocks being thrown in my way. And no matter what happens, I will keep going and never give up.

Believe in yourselves! You can do it! Even if one person, an important one, is not okay with it, others will and you will find your self and your happiness.


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