I'm gay

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By Anonymous


I acquiesce the fact that I'm gay, to acquiesce is to accept something reluctantly but without protest. To give a little background, I am currently in 7th grade, and I live in one of the many states in the Bible Belt. This is not going to be one of those pieces that say life has completely changed since I found out who I am. But is heavily based on the process of how I found out.

I found out I was gay at the beginning of this year, due to the help of a friend. Let's call them X. X is my light to my pitch black world. She has helped me through many difficulties during this year, and just to say she set me up with one of here friends younger brother. At first, I had labeled myself as bisexual, but that slowly changed when I realized I've never had a crush on a person of the opposite sex. This was the first step onto a path I never thought I'd tread.

Here came the next problem. telling the rest of my friends, and since I live in the Bible Belt there's practically a church at ever street corner. Living in a town like this, I couldn't be sure what the people would think of me, would the think I'm the spawn of satan himself, or would they see me as a normal human being that I am. To be quite clear, nobody really cared, yet I have still to tell my family, but that's another story.

To sum this all up, finding out your gay shouldn't be the end of the world, and you definitely shouldn't be scared of what other people think. When the day is over, it's what you think of yourself and not what others think of you.

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