I am who I am

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By Cherry-boi


I am Bigender, and proud of it. But at my school many people make fun of me for it and say it isn't real, when It is. I have tried to explain it many times to the people at my school but they just don't get it! And it makes me feel sad and angry because they bully me too about it and it hurts me on the inside.

If you are asking how I found out I was bigender, here is the story:

Ever since I was at least 7, I always felt like I was bigender. but back then I didn't know what that was and I was confused about what gender I was and also actually kind of worried. But then years later which is probably December of 2016 I looked it up what I felt like; that is when I found out I was bigender.

To anyone else who is bigender, or any other gender identity and/or sexuality: If someone at your school says what you are does not exist, don't listen to them, when they first started saying it to me I actually felt afraid. But then I stopped listening to them because I knew what I am existed. And you know what you are exists, so don't listen to them and be yourself!

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