My First Girl Crush and Accepting Myself

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By acciosiriusblack1977


I recently started struggle with my sexuality, I remember looking at girls and thinking, "Wow, she's really pretty. Like, really, really pretty," then trying to convince my self that I meant it platonically, though I knew I didn't. None of those girls I considered crushes, until this one girl, we'll call her Sarah, suddenly struck me as beautiful. Me and Sarah had been best friends for a few years, but one day I found myself unable to stop thinking of her; of her eyes, her hair, her skin... I couldn't get her out of my head. I finally admitted to myself that I had a crush on a girl, and decided I liked the label bisexual (I still identify as bi). Sadly, I knew for a fact she was straight, and she recently told me that I was extremely annoying and that she didn't like me, and I stopped liking her. That was the story of my first girl crush, I guess. It was kinda sad, but just remember to stay true to yourself. You don't have to have it all figured out, and you don't have to put a label on yourself. I love you all so much, and peace out!

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