In love with my bi best friend

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By Lex


So I have this crush, on my best friend (as you probably gathered by the title), she's bisexual and so am I. She has the most gorgeous icy blue eyes and long brown hair but her personality is amazing, she's an Aries which is brilliant because I love any aries girl omg. So getting to the point, we're super close, I'll call her Spencer because we say we're Spencer and Aria from Pretty Little Liars. Me and Spencer have loads in common, we're both adventurous, over-achievers, watch the same shows, we both act and sing and are basically really close. Spencer is one and a half years older than me but the age gap seems non-existent when we're together.

She's always hugging me, lying on me, kissing my cheek and forehead but she's only really like this with me. Thing is, she's fallen for this boy called Toby (how ironic! Spoby amiright?) and now I don't know what to do. I've liked her for 9 months now, I just want to hold her hand, kiss her and tell her I love her... but I can't. So anyways I'm going to invite her round for a sleepover and fingers crossed something might happen if Toby doesn't get her before me. She's not out to anyone but me and I'm out to all but some in my drama group and my family.

So, leave me a comment, advice, anything. If you're in the same situation, I love you and you're not alone. Same goes for all of you.

Goodbye my children, hope life treats you well x

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