Mrs. Pan

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By Natalie


Hi, I'm Natalie. I'm twelve and live in America.

I recently came out as pansexual to four of my friends and my mother and sister in April of 2017

They're all very supportive and kind and amazing.

But the thing is, my crush doesn't like me back. They like someone else.

It's not like their sexuality has anything to do it, they just don't like me like that.

I'm perfectly okay with that. People can be who they want to be.

My mother told me that it might be a phase and that I'm at "an impressionable age". Okay..?

My sister is really supportive about it, and since two of my friends aren't straight, I'm good.

But I still haven't told my dad and step mom, and I probably won't until I'm in college. They would absolutely flip out!

They're major Christians, and my step mom says it's a major sin.

I mean, BE YOURSELF AND BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to be a drag queen, then DO IT. Because you are beautiful no matter what.

And if you're still confused about who you are, take time! I took months to accept I was PAN, and now I'm so glad I am!

The LGBTQ+ community is so big and amazing and growing everyday!

So, about my crush again. I have most of my classes with them, and I think they might be starting to like me back, just maybe. It depends.

Writing about my story seems to be helping me feel better. My life is in an extremely awkward position right now, and everything is weird and crazy.

I know that it was straighten out in the future, but it's really bugging me.

All in all, be yourself, take your time, and have fun!



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