Acceptance and The First

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By Jordyn


I first explored my sexuality in the 5th grade. I was attracted to a close friend of mine and she was attracted to me. We lived in the same neighborhood, both had the same middle name and at the time, both pretty decent looking (im a mess now lol).

I trusted her with every secret i had and she made me happy. We would walk and talk everyday. She would kiss me on the cheek before she left and i felt loved. My problem is that i come from a very religious family.

My family are Christians. So i was constantly battling myself over what was wrong with being gay and what was right with it. I never really wanted to come out to myself because then i would disappoint my family. I had decided that it was just a phase and i ended whatever "relationship" we had.

I told nobody about us. I got a boyfriend as quick as i could and i always blew her off. I avoided her always and stopped being her friend.

That year i also moved away and only saw her at school. I missed her but i didnt want to hurt my family. In 6th grade, i still had a problem coming out to myself. But i was surrounded with people like me. People who also liked girls. I was introduced into the LBGTQ community.

It was that year when i realized that i was bi and i accepted that. I felt so bad for leaving my friend when i did and i contacted her again. I also realized she was my first girl relationship. I apologized and to this day we are still friends.

I still like guys but i have a place in my heart for girls.

I am 13 right now and i recently had a girlfriend but we are just friends now. But whatever.

Thats my acceptance and first story.

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