Like Jack

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By Maeve - CiscoSnartette


I'm Maeve. I never really liked anyone (my age and real) until I moved. New state new school. I didn't talk, I don't know why I just never ever spoke. Then I met a girl. Let's call her Joan. I introduced myself to Joan and we became friends. She was so energetic and excited. I thought it was adorable.

Slowly I began to develop feelings. I was confused but after a while I realized it was me liking her. This also confused me because I had crushes on actors and musicians and characters from books and shows. They were guys. So I figured it's nothing just some weird phase.

I started liking other girls too, Joan Jett, Karen Gillan and others. I was scared. I wanted to be normal. I was freakish enough I don't want anymore problems!

So, I told my best friend (apart from Joan) my little brother. I told him that I liked boys and girls. I told him how confused I was. He hugged me and said these words,

"It's alright. I love you. You're even more like Captain Jack now! You're both awesome and you both like boys and girls!" I smiled. I was so happy. A few months passed and I told my dad.

As I ran to get my shower I grabbed my phone and texted him. I said

"I think I'm bisexual sorry" He sent back "okay". He's never said anything about it. I'm glad.

I think he knew before hand. He was always saying that if I was a lesbian he was fine with it. He was just worried about how people would treat me.

That was all in 2016. Now, not too long ago, I told Joan I liked her. She said she was straight. I was disappointed but we are still friends so it's okay. Sometimes it's a little awkward when she talks about her boyfriend but I can live with it. After all she is my friend.

Some people have been mean about it. One person tried to turn me straight. I just rolled my eyes and ignored her. I've never told my mom or her side of the family and I probably never will. They won't like it. My parents are divorced and we live in another state so it's easy to keep it a secret.

I'm happy. My family doesn't mind. My friends don't mind. It's nice being like Jack. He helped me come out and love myself. I'm just glad everything is okay.

Stuff always gets better. If it's not better, it's not the end. Always look on the bright side. Stay safe and be happy!

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