"She"? More like "He"

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By Moonie


Hi there! My name is Moonie, and I'm bisexual and transgender, ftm.

For about eight years, I knew I was a girl. If anyone asked me, I would probably say, "I am a straight, eight year old girl". And that would be it, nothing more to be said.

That is, until 4th grade.

I began to feel like less of a girl and more like a boy. I started to hate pink and started to like purple. Instead of skirts and dresses, I just wore shorts and overalls. Girls looked more attractive to me, but i thought it was something that happened to everyone ands that I would get over it soon. But, at the start of 6th grade, I changed again.

I loved the colors blue and green, I wore boys shorts and baggy t-shirts. Every time we had a concert, I was the only girl wearing a white button up shirt and a black tie. I also started using cologne.

I didn't know much of what LGBT+ community was, until I moved schools.

My new friends taught me what all of it meant, and I started to realize.

It was during study hall in the library, me and my friend, let's call her "Sage", were making bookmarks out of white sticky notes with all the LGBT flags on them saying "Love has no limits". That's when we both came out to each other. I had only told her I was bisexual, though, not ready to say anything else yet.

A few weeks ago, I told a few people I was transgender, and I only got a nasty comment from a one or two people, shrugging them off. Everyone else was very supporting.

I just hope you know:

Everyone should love each other for who they are.

Not by their race,

Not by their gender,

Not by who they love,

Not by their opinions,

Not by the color of their eyes or hair,

Not by what kind of clothes they wear,

But for who they are on the inside.

And that, my friends, is my milestone story.

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