Perfectly Confused - Part 2

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By Anonymous


Hi guys my first story, Perfectly confused. I got a lot of advice.

So I decided to follow the advice.

When I found out about my crush for that friend I started avoiding her. She noticed that I was avoiding her but she didn't bring it up until yesterday.

She pulled me too the girl's bathroom and crossed her arms,"You've been avoiding me for weeks." She said.

I just stared at my feet not responding

But she asked, "Why are you avoiding me because I'm bi? Because your homophobic?" She sneered

But I just shook my head and said, " I'm just confused with something alright."

"Why are you confused? I saved your life. And then what's next? You ignore me for weeks, just cause your confused" She asked

I started gaining my courage and decided that I had to tell her.

"I like you" I told her.

For a minute she was shocked but then she ran up to me and hugged me. "I like you too." She said, "but then when I heard from one of your friends that you are homophobic. I didn't want to freak you out."

Today she and I are dating but I still don't know what to tell my parents or how they would react.

But thank you to those who told me to tell her. And dear LGBT community, I am sorry for not accepting you and for being judgmental.

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