Slowly but surely

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By Dayn


Im Dayn. Here is my story.

Im ftm (female to male) transgender. I identify as trans pans atm because it's easier to understand. But when I will be a boy I'll be homoflexible.

Homoflexible is where you are usually gay but sometimes will date the other gender. Also, I'm 15.

Okay, now the actual milestone.

6th grade.

I had my first crush on a girl and questioned my sexuality, and thought i was bi. I was 13. I figured out the term transgender and then it clicked. Thats me.

7th grade.

I figure out what pansexual is. I liked the idea of that and thought it would be me, so i identified as pans.

Then something slightly bad happened. I used to keep a journal and wrote about lgbtq+ in there and my mom found it, forcing me to come out way more earlier than expected. A huge fight happened that night, and I became super upset. I was shy about my gender and my name. I didn't fit in, and felt horrible to be honest.

Time skip 8th grade

We moved, and I had to start a new school. But I was able to easily talk to my mom about the gender issue.

Now, after a year of thinking about it, mom had a much better reaction, and even got 10 sessions of therapy for free with a gender therapist. I was so happy because mom finally called me Dayn and used male pronouns. Three weeks later, and mom got me hooked up with some male clothing and is looking for a binder. I am so so so happy that she has been so accepting.

Now, for a tip. If your still in the closet, at least to your parents, use the tactic I used second time. Ready? Perspective. The reason why its that, is because think of it like this; Your born as this gender biologically. Then at an age you realize the inside doesn't match up with the outside.

You tell your parents and they lash out.

Parents pov; everything they had envisioned is snatched from them, and no longer is able to happen.

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