Stay In or Go Out?

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By Falconswipe


Hello again. So, recently, I've been having thoughts about my gender. I was nervous about it though. My mom, while supportive, always showed that she liked me being a girl. Some jokes in the past made me even put off thinking about me being a guy. I felt so bad about ruining her dreams for me. But, I still came out to her and said that I've been thinking about not being female anymore. But my grandma was a different story. I love my grandma. She has been my biggest inspiration. But, I didn't know whether to come out to her or stay in the closet. So, for a while, I stayed in the closet, waiting for the right moment to come out. But then, I just thought to myself, "Why stay in the closet? I want to change my gender and I can't hide who I am forever." So, I called my grandma and explained what transgender meant before coming out. She, surprisingly, took it well and said she still loved me. I was beyond ecstatic.

So, my mom and I are looking into getting me a binder and starting the transition. I've never been more happy.

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