That Ace

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By EmeraldCLovegood


I first found out that I was part of the lgbtq+ community when I was in sixth grade, and I had a slight crush on my sister's friend, who is a girl. I thought I was bisexual, but then I went back to only liking boys, so I thought I was straight. I soon found out that I'm not straight. When I found out what asexuality was, I realized that I'm asexual. I'm out to some people, like my mom, my sister, my cousin, and one of my friends. I'm also out to my grandma, but she when I told her I'm asexual, she just said, "you're a kid, of course you're gonna think like that." Then when I tried to come out to another one of my friends, he asked if I could reproduce on my own, and he thought I was a plant. A bit after that, I gained another crush, but it was on a girl. I also had a crush on a boy though, so I got really confused, because I didn't know what the asexual alternatives were to the other sexualities. As soon as I found out what they were though, I realized that I'm an asexual biromantic. That's how I discovered who I am. So, even if you're still closeted to a lot of people, have no shame in who you are, because trust me, it takes a lot to figure out who and what you are, and it takes even more to come out to people. If you're brave enough to do both of those, you can accept yourself easily.

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