Are Pansexual People Attracted to Pans?

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By Emmawuvsu13


I can't remember when I came out, but I remember it so clearly.
I came home from school and I was going to tell my step-mom, who was currently in the bathroom, that I was pansexual.
I knocked on the bathroom door and she asked what I wanted and I said I needed to tell her something. She invited me and I told her I was Pan. She wanted me to explain what that meant. I told her that "I liked everyone," which was pretty confusing and so she said that "I was just a friend." I got a little aggravated and told her no, I have, like, sexually feelings towards everyone, like trans, bi, girls, or boys, etc. She got out of the bathroom and called my gay friend down, who was currently upstairs in our room, he had to explain it better than I could, and she finally got it. I was now officially pansexual. I came out to everyone in school and everyone accepted me for it. And I also got my friend to come out as Asexual. If you don't know how to come out just yet, don't worry, take your time and tell your family when you think the time is right.

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