Conclusions of a Fangirl

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By Pete&Repeat


Ok so my story is probably completely shallow compared to some other peoples but here goes.

I guess it started off with a post I saw on Instagram. I was just on the search thing and it suddenly came up with a picture from a ship. An anime ship at that.

It wasn't anything graphic (back then my soul was too pure so I'm kind of glad that it wasn't anything graphic) and I started to get interested in what the ship was about.

I just thought I was your typical fujoshi (I know some of you look down on fujoshis here but bear with me!)

So I read some fan fictions as well (my soul had turned rotten by then XD) and I somehow came to the more realistic non shipping books. I think it was just idle curiosity which lead me to read them, but whatever.

Around Christmas the main genre that I was reading on wattpad was gay romance and I was happy that way. It never occurred to me back then that I might actually be part of the community (more than a straight supporter)

Anyways I met this girl in a sushi workshop and we got on well. So well that we even had a sleepover, and as she was lying next to me (We shared a bed) she started talking again. I don't even know what got us on the topic but she said she liked a girl once, which opened lots of possibilities then.

I remember as she was lying next to me (I had one arm around her holding her close) I had the sudden urge to kiss her, even if it was on the forehead. I didn't of course because I was afraid.

I started to read some girlxgirl books after that (and then the only books I read were gay)

I haven't confessed to the girl, I'm too much of a wuss, plus my parents aren't exactly accepting so I'm going to just be her friend for now. She's rather touchy feely so I'm fine the way things are.

I still feel attracted to the opposite gender and I've identified myself as pansexual, but it's all because of a picture on Instagram and a Dutch friend.

A year back I didn't even know much about the LGBTQ+ community, I thought it was weird because I was broguht up that way. But now not only do I support it but I'm actually a part in it too.

I've found so many cool friends through this and the best thing? It's that gender, preferences don't matter at all!

I feel so at home here and I'm glad I found you guys!

Thank you for reading my story

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