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By Gia


Hello! Today I'm going to tell you the story of how I realized I was bisexual/when I came out. The first specific time I remember feeling any attraction towards a girl was when I was 9 and I watched teen beach movie. There was an actor in the movie that I thought was so beautiful. I watched the movie so many times but only focused on her. Then a few years after that I was 12 and in middle school. I had this friend that I hung around all the time in and outside of school. We will call her Tony. One day we were at the park and the only thing I was thinking is that I wanted to kiss her. And that's all I thought about when I was around her. I remember feeling scared that day because I thought it was wrong to think that. I also didn't know what bisexuality was until I found two youtubers. One named Shane Dawson and the other Dodie Clark. From there I learned so much more about the lgbtq+ community and I don't regret a single thing. Well maybe the way I came out or when. It was the beginning of eighth grade when I came out as bi to most of my family. I had a girlfriend at the time and she kinda pressured me too come out. I definitely wasn't ready at the time and I'm still not ready now. But everyone knows so I don't have to keep it a secret because I was very depressed when I was in the closet. I self harmed and tried to commit suicide once because I thought thing were going to end once I came out. But I was wrong. Most of my family was very supportive and I couldn't ask for anything else. I hope everyone enjoyed my story.

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