I Deserve To Know

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I'm bi, Female (she/her pronouns) and I'm still in the closet. It feels like I'm tip-toeing On the thinnest ice that could crack and shatter at any moment, plunging me into dark, cold waters that are impossible to navigate without experience or guidance. Not only am I bi and female, but I am muli-racial, meaning, I am a minority of a minority of a minority. That just makes it even harder to let people see me for me.

On top of the constant fear of that ice cracking and splintering, I am in love with a girl. A girl who is my best friend. Who is questioning her sexuality. I want to tell her my feelings, but I don't want to further complicate things for her or myself. It would break my heart to have to keep this all to myself forever, however it would be selfish to tell her.

I do have friends in the LGBTQ+ community who could help me if I told them, but I'm too scared. I've become to comfortable balancing on this slowly making ice and I don't want it to completely thaw. Again if I stay closeted I'm being selfish. People deserve to know who I am. I deserve to know who I am.

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