Does Scissors Really Beat Paper?

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By Dawn


Hi! It's me Dawn again, back at it with this confusion. So, it's been 5 months since I was in Milestones Book 3, I find this really funny. 5 months and I'm still trying to find out if I'm Bi or Lesbian. I guess things like this take time. I find it hard to come out to anyone now, since I've meet with so much hate and stories about hate but some how these people make it. I want to be strong but with all this hate and confusion on who I am makes me wanna scream. I feel like I'm the scissors and everyone that hates on me is paper. In Rock, Paper, Scissors. Paper beats Rock, Rock beats Scissors and Scissors beat Paper. But does Scissors really win. When I cut the hatred it just multiplies. I cut it again and again but it keeps coming back, but in bigger groups and smaller pieces. I feel like if I just cover my rock with my paper and all this self doubt will go away.But it doesn't. I tell myself I have no reason to worry. That it'll go away, but in a society like today, where people mock gays, pans, trans and bi's is there really no reason to worry. This just makes me wanna take the scissors cut myself with them. But some how, someone smashes those scissors. Its an ongoing battle on who I am. But if I know anything, I'll make it. Like so many others did before me.

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