Not a Princess and Other Non-Princess Sports

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By AsherRun


Even before I fully knew what transgender meant, when my aunt would ask me, "Are you my princess?" I would say, "Well... I'd actually like to be a knight." But then she'd said, as if I offended her, "You're not my princess?" Sucks for her. My twin sister might want to be a princess, I guess. She is really girly. But I'm not.

I feel a cloud of sorrow when my aunt calls me her niece. She knows I'm trans. But she has the right to call me what she wants because she's my aunt. I guess. I hope this trans thing is worth while because I don't really feel like it is. But maybe that's my aunt's spirit talking. I don't know how it would since she's alive... Whatever.

I have a boy. He's trans. He lives far away, so all we can do is text over Wattpad... He's really great. He's depressed, but I'm helping him. He doesn't cut anymore because of me. That's good. I could never cut on purpose. I'm afraid of pain. So I'm pretty much safe. I'm just trying to be happy with living as a girl, but it's hard... But my twin sister accepts me! That's great.

Thank you for listening.

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