How I Knew I'm Bisexual

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~'s my story on how I knew I'm bisexual. First things first, from a young age I had a massive crush on Vanessa Hudgens and Avril Lavigne. I would imagine all those crazy scenarios meeting them and just basically a fangirl dream....what I didn't really get is how obsessed girls my age are with K-pop idols. Granted, they're kinda cute but not that cute in my opinion. But! I have really high standards for guys in real life....before Wattpad, (yeah, I was that picky/petty). I rarely like boys until they are good friends with me, and like 99% of the time they like me back. But all of that childhood crushes just fizzled out!

Three guesses why? Because I'm less romantically inclined to guys, I'm just about the sex...But girls??? Damn, I could just go on and on about how beautiful and how amazing and how adorable we could look together. Back in junior high, I talked about this girl constantly back at home, and didn't realise how much I was crushing on her. ( I really didn't know it was Homosexual, it was just a goddamn feeling.) Yeah, and it turns out and she's straight and dating my good guy friend (whom I fell out of touch years ago), the one that I really liked a lot. Little did I know, the young confused me, would turn out into a fully fledged queer Bisexual. *Time skip to Senior High*One day as in waiting for the bus with my good guy friend, (who made it clear that we could possibly be more than just friends, much later on I shot him down). A girl with long legs in booty shorts and a stunning smile (my guy friend is quite cute or so other people say) at his direction, I was looking at her legs/booty/boobie and I liked it...a lot. That was when it hit me, I may be bisexual not lesbian. *University campus* A college classmate of mine gave me the usual "Hot or Not" game and I was THIS critical about guys. "Some long faces look wierd with stubble, I like it if he's clean shaven" "eh, he's okay I guess, but he's too short."
"His left bicep looks strange, is it because of the angle?"  You get the gist^^ And my classmate proposed a girl version *cheers internally* Thus, I powered on my Instagram stalker skills and argued with her for a full 10 minutes on how Kendall Jenner is just easy on the eyes and how hot a random girl on Instagram is...So. As my favorite artists turn out to be, the bisexual, the gay and the queer. I'm very proud of the color of my pride flag, (I once considered dyeing my hair into the bi colors as a way to come out, nah, I don't have the money for that), the conclusion? I'm the one who gives love advice to both sexes in my class...come to think of it I should start charging them for it. P.s. I have this headcanon that Sirius Black from HPverse is bisexual...I would totally love that. Luke Castellan, Queen Hylla of Amazons and me would make the ultimate threesome goals... P.s.s I love writing the mindset of a female bisexual POC, *imagine the fun!*

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