Speak! Unboxed and Free

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By themarblepoet


Truth is: I've always been into both boys and girls.

It's nothing to me because I'm very rooted and grounded in my faith as a Christian.

Grounded in my love for God and Jesus.

Grounded in my love for myself.

Homophobia is a huge issue in ethnic communities worldwide and is wrong.

Any Christian claiming to be saved and holy, but hating someone for who they are will not make it in the gates for hypocrisy.

To me, sexuality is a personal development and really isn't everyone's business.

I just feel like sharing.

Now, this is not a request for all my friends who I flirt with to lighten up,

No, this is just for part of me to be free and honest and move on.

I have other things to stress about but my sexuality is something I've sort of boxed up for a while, now it's time to open and throw away the box for good.

One day I believe I will find a very cute boy to date, and a very cute girl to marry and have a family.

One day I will raise my kids and my family to be non-racist and non-homophobic.

It shouldn't be so wrong to love attractive people of the same sex.

Any love is love,

If God is love he's in same-sex love too.

If anything, our world needs more love period.

It shouldn't matter who's giving and who's receiving.

Love is not wrong.

Love does not kill.

Love does not discriminate.

Love does not gossip.

Love does not hate.

Love is love 24/7, 365,

Love is me and I will love.

Sexuality is fluid,

Sexuality is something that is ever changing,

Often we let society scare us into these boxes,

We let society dictate and tell us who we are and what we can be — which is wrong.

You can be whomever you choose to be,

God is not judgmental or selective like we can be.

It's only close-minded and hateful people out there who tell you what you can or cannot do.

Ignore those haters, love yourself, and just do you!!

Honestly, at one point in your life as an individual, you have to decide what is worth giving attention to.

People will either like you for everything you are or not like you at all — there is no in-between, there is no grey area about kindness and respect.

Sexuality does not dictate persona or personality,

Sexuality does not dictate anything about you other than what you want it to.

Do not let people tell you otherwise.

This is my MOTTO: Speak Boldly and with Intellect. Never Hush Your Voice For Someone's Comfort. Speak Your Mind, Make People Uncomfortable.

If this was a shock, trust me there is more to come!

[I dedicate this part to all my supporters of my work regardless if we have personally talked or not💯! There is more to come! I love you all!] 

In the words of Lil Pump: Eskeeetit! 😂

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