I'm Pan-Duh

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By Eli (Kloe)


Hi. My name is Kloe, but a bunch of my friends call me Eli for some reason. I don't really know why. So anyway to my story. It is not as inspirational as others in this book. Sorry about that. I am Pansexual. I found this out in my freshman year of high school, but I knew that I wasn't normal ever since I was in 5th grade.

I fell in love with a girl who is a year older than me. Let's call her B. B and I were really close, great friends. Before I knew it, I was falling in love with her. I just buried these feelings until I came out. I didn't know if she wasn't straight or not, but it turns out that she is Pan to. I wanted to tell her, but my family needed to know who I am first. So I came out to them on national Pansexual day. My mother still hasn't looked me in the eyes.

I was about to tell B my feelings for her, but before I could she said that she had something important to tell me. She told me that she really likes this one girl. My heart broke. Well a year passed and I gave up on B. I knew that I would never be with her. I still love her,but I can never be with her. Sorry for the sad story.


Eli   (Kloe)

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